Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tomas Manzi kudai

Name: Tomás Andrés Cañas Manzi
Born in: Heidelberg, Germany
Date of birth: September 4, 1989
Age: 18 years old
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 1.76 m.
Weight: 70 kg
Nickname: party-boy
Family ; Parents: Enrique and May - Sister: Catalina (13 years old)
Sports that you practice: pool y bowling
Hobby: I play the drum and I also enjoy playing pool and bowling
Describe yourself in five words: joyful, sensitive, good friend
Best qualities: friendly
Major defects: absent-minded
Who do you admire most: My family, the Manzi
Pet: a dog
What kind of accessory do you use all the time: I use a ring in the thumb of my left hand
Animal that lives inside you: a horse
Your ideal girl: pretty, sincere and with good sense of humor
Do you like to date : I do not have much time to date,
Your girl friends, they complain that you are too: absent-minded and always late
What kind of gifts do you like to receive: cd´s
With your first salary, what did you bought yourself: clothes and cd´s
For vacation, what place do you prefer: Viña del Mar, Chile and Playa del Carmen, Mexico
If you were not a singer, you would be: drummer of a band
In the band, with whom do you have more affinity: with Pablo
What is the best thing of been in Kudai: to travel and be in concerts
What is the worse: to have wake up very early
Something that you will never do in your life: kill somebody
You could not live without (three thing / persons): My family, friends and Kudai
Only a few persons know that: As a child I was a clown ( juggler )

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