Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pablo Holman Kudai

Name: Pablo Colman Concha
Born in: Santiago de Chile
Date of birth: July 10 1988
Age: 20 years old
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 1.74 m
Weight: 56 k
Nickname: Pablín
Family – Parents – Ernesto and Verónica.
Brothers and sisters- Manuela, Carla, Luna, Tomás, Bernardita and Soledad
Sports that you practice: bowling
Hobby: I play the guitar
Describe yourself in five words: joyful, funny, expressive, serious, grumble
Best qualities: hard- working
Major defects: grumbler
Whom do you admire more: My father
Pet: I do not have any
What kind of accessories do you use all the time: Bracelets in my left hand
Animal that lives inside you: A cat
Your ideal girl : that can understand me, loves me, smiling girl but at the same time serious, jajaja!
Do you date: Not now, there is not enough time
Your girl friends, they complain that you are too: responsible jaja!
What kind of gifts do you like to receive: music albums
With your first salary what did you buy: A lot of discs!!
On holidays, you prefer: Playa del Carmen o Cancún
If you were not be a singer, you would be: An actor
In the band, with whom do you have more affinity: with the girls!
What is the best thing of being a member of Kudai: That I can learn many thing, while I mature and sing to the people around the world
And the worse: to have to wake-up early jaja!
Something that you will never do in your life: give up my principles
You could not live without (three thing / persons): My family, my father and Kudai
Only a few persons know that: every morning I wake up in a bad mood

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